Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Somebody stop me
Or, How I spent £55 in my lunch hour

1 rushed, badly-done bikini wax, which took 5 minutes, ruined a nice pair of pants, and cost £12.50. Don’t lawyers charge less?

1 pale green racer-back cotton vest, £9

1 hot pink polka dot racer back bra/tank top thing, £10

1 white top with ribbon trim, for a present, £10

Raspberries, blueberries and a yogurt in Tesco, £4

That adds up to £45, true, but I also got a tenner cashback in Tesco, which counts.


rachel said...

I haven't been able to get the phrase "badly done bikini wax" out of my head since I read it yesterday morning. OUCH.

Ilona said...

It ain't pretty...